ABOUT THIS SITE: (Photography by Porfirio Aguilar - author of this site.)
Welcome fellow Planet Citizen and be encouraged to follow your heart and bliss so you see the Truth and Beauty of your unique Gift and share it in community. Follow your bliss as a spiritual being within a Spiritual System and a Political System using free tools on this site. "If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else." Joseph Campbell
About Joseph Campbell Video About the Hero's Journey Read About the Hero's Journey Hero's Journey Outline
Your heart lives and moves withing two opposing systems.. You support either a Love system or Fear system. Decide how to live your life
A Love-based system for life liberation is conscious evolution. Get the Evolution Story Power Memes:
Cosmic to Divine Human Meme
Human Evolutionary Process Meme
Worldview Meme
Daily Choice Meme
SO ABOUT THIS SITE: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Realize your heart is the driver of your life. Feel and see that following your bliss is what life is about.
Use the Evolution Story Memes to see the visual pattern of intelligent energy as love evolving our Divine Human beings and our spiritual maturity.
Since each person is a spiritual and political being, then this site provides spiritual tools and political tools as free educational tools for Planet Citizens.
Wealth and income inequality is a global issue. Now is our planetary moment to learn and rethink the SHIFT in RESOURCES – both tangible and intangible resources. Tools are presented about both external world tangible resources and about the internal intangible resource of personal consciousness.
Free access to educational tools about the way the world works externally and about the way the Divine Human works internally, can raise the level of consciousness. And using social media can organize and communicate change among both the 99% and the 1%, among all as Planet Citizens. Help people a New Earth.
You and we all together, are on a soul journey of self-discovery. We are powerful beings who have the ability to cocreate our lives with Spirit and give our gift of Truth and Beauty into community. Upgrade your life and follow your heart and bliss!
"The universe is completely condensed in the body.
The body is completely condensed in the heart.
Thus, the heart is the driver of the universe."
Indian Guru
As a citizen of this planet, did you know you are gifted a unique special gift and power? Here at PlanetCitizen.info, Evolution.Story.Power Memes and Power Fact Sheets help you understand how consciousness creates reality and how Earth has birthed humans seeded with unique gifts and powers.
Physicists admit the universe is immaterial, mental & spiritual. The metaphysical spirit creates the physical matter. The invisible creates the visible. The Power Memes explain the metaphysical reality, the internal reality - how love information flows for you to follow your bliss and explore your unique gifts. For the physical reality, the external reality, the Power Fact Sheets explain how Power manifests in society as the status quo.
Today, we are at an evolutionary crossroads. Two opposing systemic forces of power are converging and their resolution determines the future of our planet. One force is the top down 1% status quo of external power. The other force, Evolution, is a bottom up grassroots intentional strategy toward wholeness of one's self-expression. The tools on this site help you understand these two opposing forces of power so you can decide which force will you feed with your life. Just know that Evolution liberates the unique potential creativity within the individual and society for the purpose of redefining a more human and cooperative future. And for your pleasure, there's also ear candy and eye candy. Enjoy. Welcome.